A Word Fitly Spoken

I like a good quote. No, I adore a good quote, value it, and store it away for future reference. Savor with me this gem I ran across today:

"God particularizes; the devil generalizes. God plants a garden within which a great variety of plants grow. The devil plants weeds in the garden that look enough like the plants to make you unsure which is which. God paves a narrow lane; the devil broadens the path until it leads nowhere. God prescribes forgiveness for specific sins; the devil blankets permission for anything and everything..."Attending to spiritual detail yields a life of wholeness and hopefulness. Habits of the heart such as worship, prayer, study, Bible reading, care for the body, hospitality and neighborliness detail the diet of dedicated disciples. Vague spirituality sits on the couch and scoffs at practices that ask something of the soul."

~George Mason, Baptist pastor out of Texas~


  1. LOVE this quote and *so* understand your thoughts on 'a word fitly spoken'-- YES!!!
    Love YOU and your blog,too!

  2. heavy stuff there, the bible does day that He will sit as a refiner and purifier so that we can be offered unto the Lord worthy of His sacrifice for us. His way is the same and gentle and patient and with love. Yes He developes lovliness of the soul in us. good one....

  3. It was hard to pick which quote I wanted to share, this week. I am so grateful that "love is patient", therefore the Lord is patient with me - thanks for visiting me, "pink curtains". :-) MomAnn, I sure do love you, too!


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