On a Lighter Note...

Thanks for all the recent comments, friends! It makes the discussion so much more...."discussion-ey". At the moment, I am happier than Pooh Bear with a pot of honey. I love yanking a thought out of you!

On that same light note, you'll be jealous of what is coming to me in the mail, any day now. Get a load of this:

What fabulous joy! An adjective dictionary...and not just any ol' adjective dictionary. This one is the highly selective dictionary of GOLDEN adjectives, for the extraordinarily literate. Hallelujah-wahoojah, I get to torment all my gentle readers with a fresh, frothy, garish, and flashy use of juicy descriptives.
I will use adjectives On Purpose. Always a mistake amateur writers make, and I plan to make that mistake at least once before I die. (That mistake, and a few others I shan't elaborate on just yet...it'd make for far too much shock and awe, after those posts on "extremes".)
Stay tuned. It is going to get.....
...oh, heck. I wish I had that dictionary right now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I can not type!

    extraordinarily literate?

    I am inordinately jealous.

  3. I'm jealous! Can't wait to see what new adjectives you'll soon have at your disposal! Sure, writers don't want to go adjective-crazy (although it can be fun to do it intentionally!)--at least not on a regular basis ;), but a well-placed adjective is a beautiful thing!

  4. Wrap up Hannah Nicole in one unit with a Sheila who , running a fever still bothers to write...(which in itself is pretty extreme) and I think you just about have it.
    Seriously though, and I know it's about yeterday's post and not adjectives...............
    We mostly know instinctively the right thing to do...we just don't do it. As it says in Proverbs when to go right, when to go left. Or as Ecclesiastes says when to do something and when to refrain.
    Norman Grubb calls that Christ Me
    going on. We have the phrase "It just wasn't happening."
    I had one last night with our guests. i was about to launch forth...pressurised somewhat by their encouragement to Christine and I to go into some form of ministry...."But I am in ministry! This is me beginning to minister!!!!" When the sound of our new hamster on his wheel attracted everyone's attention. In short....it just wasn't happening
    so we all watched the hamster.
    What about the phrase...beloved by hippies, Caribbeans, and charismatics. "It's just not flowing brother!!"

    Well this is all the same kind of stuff; the reality that there is a flow to life...and while we are still hooked into our independence,
    what many used to call ego, our "flow" is more like lumpy custard.

    Imagine 20 years of keeping my head down tuning, while others including Morris Cerullo, Rory and Wendy Alec(who came to my house by Godsident))are taking over the whole universe for Jesus. But I believe, so believe, that somehow doing what Christ is doing through me at this level is somehow training me to shake the living daylights out of charismatics in time to come...in the same way that Mother Basilea Schlink and Ed Miller shook me to the core when they spoke. It was another level. It was like coming out of a dreamworld and being pinned to the wall. "This is Jesus talking..now do you want some?" That was how He'd been with the disciples. Something totally arrested them mid-flow."And they left their nets".
    So it isn't really extremes, or balance, it's a Living Person deciding what He wants to do through us at any point.And it fits in with the bigger picture, because the Vine Branch always fits in with the Vine trunk...cos it's all the Vine. Or Jesus, the Bigger picture, is living one corner of it in little old me.

    The awesome bit is when He suddenly starts putting bits together.. which He has been preparing in secret.

    In fact though whole third Level has as its strapline
    Going up in secret.
    You can read this in John 7:1-10
    And you can also see the same dynamic in Ruth going up to Boaz at night, and in the preparation of Esther...6 months astringent 6 months lovely creams
    And in the Song of Songs when the Lover gets thrown out and ends up trailing around wildernesses
    only to emerge leaning on her Beloved with her prize!!!!"I've got Him and He's got me !!!!"

  5. And the really frightening thing is I understand what Chris is saying... and agree!


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