Dare to Fail More Often!

If we are truly people of faith, we must be willing to fail more often. If we fail infrequently, it means we are not acting boldly enough or lovingly enough, enough of the time. It means we are hiding behind walls of past successes and shrinking from present-day risks which will determine what is possible. Unless we fail on a regular basis, God will have insufficient raw material with which to work. It is from our haphazard efforts that the Holy One can sculpt works of art. So be unafraid. Dare to fail more often!
— Hope Douglas J. Harle-Mould


  1. This nailed me hard. I don't like to fail, even though I do.

    I am not as daring anymore. I try very hard to "play it safe" in the sense of before, it was just me.

    My failure didn't affect anyone but me and depending on the occasion, my parents. But now I have a husband and 4 children, my church family and my parents.

    There is so much more involved now. My success or failures now effect everyone. I am less risky now in thought and decision.

    BUT, I also know that it is through failure that a person can learn, grow, and mature. God can use the failure for the persons gain. That person will then have the knowledge and get success in that area.

    I *know* this in my head. LOL

    Due to my failures (many many failures ACK)I have learned to avoid certian pitfalls and have been able to encourage others due to my failures in that area, and pray to God they listen! LOL

    Man sis, this challenges me.

    I know the quote but, for the life of me I can't remember who said it:
    Failure is not an option.. Obviously, I think I have taken this to the extreme and now I must swing the dial back the other way!

    I must learn to not only sing in the success's but in the failures to.

    Those who never try, never fail but they never succeed either.

    Thanks sis! I now have a different view to look at these things.

  2. It got me, too. Just remember and realize...this quote isn't speaking of any other kind of failure, but that which comes from endeavoring what we believe to be God's Kingdom!!! I may step out in faith...and in fact, I have...and the outcome not be anything like what I imagined. Does that mean I failed?

    Maybe. But maybe not. Perhaps it is the "doing" that changes us, not success or lack thereof.

    So dare, always, to do the things God gives you vision to do, Jamie. If anyone is genetically PROGRAMMED to "dare"....YOU ARE!


  3. The doing that changes us! Sis that is good. WOW- I got it, it clicked.

    And b/c the out come isn't what we expected, did we really fail? I never looked at it that way.

    WOW- that brings some serious freedom. Both of those statments go hand in hand.

    I like that.


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