Greater Grace...

I'll never forget my first, very personal revelation into the grace of God. Unfortunately, it didn't come until I was a grown woman, with children of my own. I'm sure I'd heard about the grace of God, but either didn't listen, or didn't fully understand. Having known Christ, and having walked with God from the time I was six years old, being filled with the Holy Spirit at the age of eleven (yes, for me a "second blessing" experience), moving in the gifts of the Spirit by age twelve, and experiencing supernatural visitations from God from puberty onward, and then hurled into ministry at the tender age of'd think I would have known of the grace of God more than I did.

Nope. And that's an important fact to grasp: I had not experienced grace in its fullness.

Have you experienced the grace of God? With all else you may have experienced, with all else you may know and perceive and understand, have you experienced grace?

When the revelation came, I remember it well. I imagine it was much like Martin Luther's big moment, "The just shall live by faith..." He remembered exactly where he was when the lights came on and shone brightly over that passage of Scripture.

For me, it was nighttime, and well nigh fifteen years ago. I was comfortably esconced in the pillows of my bed, Bible open, searching for strength to raise four small children, and be "the pastor's wife." Suddenly, I flung the pages aside, and came flying out of my room, eyes bugging. Tim was sitting at the computer, working on his studies. I exclaimed, "Honey! I get it! I understand! I'm telling you I could...I could...I could rob a bank right now, and it would not matter! Well, not that I would, but I could, you see....I can't put it into words, but nothing whatsoever can separate me from the love of God."

Tim looked at me and slowly responded, "Ye-e-e-es...." with that look husbands get when they are really thinking, " are just now getting this?"

And every day of my life since, the enemy has attempted to steal that seed sown in my spirit that night. If having a seed-stealer hot on my heels was not enough, circumstances conspired, and do conspire, to vandalize the picture of grace my life has become. As many years as it took for me to "get it", the revelation of grace was the easy part. The concept is heady and glorious. It is the reclaim-ation of grace that challenges me to my knees, and will challenge you likewise. The revel-ation brings revel-ry. What joy! The reclaim-ation brings...a reclamation.

Reclaim: To bring into a condition for use, as in cultivation or habitation

The grace message reclaimed is the grace message cultivated and activated...grace unleashed to undo you and plow you right-up-and-over, and then rebuild you and replant you. Grace isn't merely a revelation to be understood. It also is not a gauge we use to rate other Christians. It certainly isn't a badge of having arrived. It isn't a truth that I enjoy personally, but use as a measuring stick to evaluate fellow believers. As soon as "The Grace Message" makes me look down on someone who doesn't yet understand it as I do, I've violated the reality of grace.

Grace is a way of life to be enjoyed....and a gift to be given to others who least deserve it. It exists to be lavished on the very humans who hurt us the most. It is a throne to which we point, and to which all who are in a time of need can be emboldened to run - inspired by our own bold approach.

Grace is personal, but grace's greater glory is communal. Your revelation of it is not tested by how freely you live, personally, but rather by how freely you love, communally.

I'm still finding it odd how the grace-inclined individual can apply grace to everyone but those who challenge her inclination. Isn't that strange? God help the poor soul who clashes with a mercy-motivated person's concept of mercy. That mercy-motivated believer OWNS that gift, byGod, defines it flawlessly (in their mind), and if you dare question their administration of it, they promptly forget mercy. I can say that, both because I bear (practically in my body) the wounds administered by a few Mercy People, and moreover I consider myself to be one who can be patient with almost anyone BUT a legalist.

We are to grow in grace. To me, this means getting beyond receiving it only. We also begin administering it, even when doing so defies reason and makes us insanely vulnerable.

It certainly is not a truth that we gleefully and thoughtlessly snatch up like cheap candy at Mardi Gras. Grace is lion-like, not tame. It is lamb-like, not solitary. We are the sheep of His pasture. We'll be all our lives growing in glorious, scandalous grace. The revelation is only the first step. The reclamation of grace, cultivating it, living it out in our relationships, is the real growth in grace.

When grace reclaims us, it brings as great a reformation to our lives as it did to Luther's.

And that's just crazy.


  1. Ahhhhh, living from the inside out.

    Having received Grace, we, in turn, dispense Him.

    Beautiful.... :)

  2. Sheila,
    I haven't read huge amounts of your posts, but like Jamie,when you get going.....
    I ........
    what can I say??
    makes me want to give up
    except I know I'm communicating something.
    But Jamie's grace post(Monday) and your amazing testimony description, are truly works of art....but spiritually true as well.
    James was on the phone tonight about the film. He has had yet more breakthroughs in crafting the thing. We think it's Shawna who has been praying. You are going to love it. Again on every level.
    Found this via Ursula's site....

  3. Wow!! I loved loved loved hearing your thoughts and perspective on grace and how you received revelation....I remember exactly where I was too when the moment came, and yes revelry it brought me, and still does..........awesome post!!!

  4. I *LOVE* the point you made about extending grace to someone who rails you. As I read and then reread I was thinking who is it I extend grace to and who is it I hold back on. I never paid that close attention to it till I read your post! What really gets to me is the fact that, whom am I to with hold anything from anyone. It was because of Gods grace that I am even here. YIKES! We are supposed to show the world Jesus. What is my grace giving and grace with holding saying to my sphere of influence about our father. "WOOSH"

  5. Chris, don't ever give up. (I know you were kidding...) Seriously, though, you do have an inimitable way of looking at spiritual things. I always enjoy your thoughts. Also, it looks like you live at or near such a beautiful island!!

    RJW, and Lydia Joy, I am grateful for your visit. You are both very gracious women. If you are ever in east have to let me know! It gets beautiful around here this time of year.

    Hope everyone's Lord's Day was restful and blessed...

  6. Jamie,
    You are so right! "Who are we to withhold?" And what does that say about Who we serve?

    Good questions. I love you for commenting!!! (Well, and for lots of reasons - you really are the best!)


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