An Exclusive Preview !

You read it here first! Finally...your exclusive preview of our long overdue Harvest Church Website! Many thanks to Paula Lynch, for her hours upon hours of artistic endeavor. Though still a work in progress, I think our new website is also a work of art. I hope you agree.

Rejoice with me - I'm thrilled at the thought that Harvest Church is joining the 21st century!

And of course, if you are ever in the Knoxville, Tennessee area, do come see us one Sunday. You'll find our worship to be passionate, the atmosphere one of relaxed hospitality, and the preaching of the word is best described as "grace on fire". God so loves to do the impossible, by using the imperfect. At Harvest, we are continually about the business of being imperfectly perfectly His, and doing impossibly possible things.

Harvest is as much a lifestyle as it is a church. You really do have to experience it to know what I am talking about. You are warmly invited...


  1. Really good website.

    Let's pray.
    Jesus we ask you that this connection to the outside world does more than Tim and Sheila can ask or think. We pray that it will lead to good things and we cover this site with your Blood against increasing exposure of what are precious Kingdom things to those who would want to harm.
    Like Tim's blog too.
    What a family!

  2. It's beautiful! And there is "destiny" written all over it in the Spirit!

  3. What an incredibly wonderful concept . . . 21 st century technology communicating truths that were established at the foundation of the world. And to live those truths with my wonderful Harvest family is a blesseing MOST precious and dear!! I join you, dear Pastor's Wife, in your invitation for others to visit us.


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