Winter Solstice

Tonight, December 21st, marks the longest night of the year. For some reason, the whole idea of the longest, deepest, darkest night of the year, always grips my heart, and makes me turn thoughtful and quiet inside. The winter solstice is the beginning of winter, which, with all the somewhat dismal implications that come with the long winter season, actually marks the precise day, after which the sunlight hours begin to grow longer, minute by minute, day by day.

My husband finds that whole idea thrilling. He lives for spring, and relishes the thought of lengthening days.

One of my favorite Christmas songs is "In The Bleak Midwinter". I find the melody to be hauntingly beautiful, and the whole song is a refreshing departure from some of the saccharine-sweet ditties of this season. Of all the artists who have contributed their renditions of this old song, I love James Taylor's and Amy Grant's the best. If you know of a better remake of "In The Bleak Midwinter", do pass it on to me, I'd love to give it a listen.

Many parts of our country are experiencing "snow on snow on snow"...not us here in Tennessee. I'd love to see a white Christmas, but alas, again this year it is not to be.

But enfolded and tucked deeply into this day, implied in this, the longest night of the year, is impending spring. Things really do get darkest just before dawn. There is so much hope in the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it truly is written into nature itself.

Worship God Incarnate with me this week!


  1. One of my favorite Christmas books, "The Winter Solstice" is beside my bed!! We are so meant to be friends... :)

    Are you familiar with Truman Capote's "A Christmas Memory"? THAT is a lovely book.

    Hope your Christmas is joyous!

    Love & grace to you and yours.

  2. I found this post really encouraging.

    And I enjoy James Taylor's version of "In the Bleak Midwinter" too! :)

  3. Dear Jamie,
    YES, we are. (I'm serious...) And I didn't know there WAS such a lovely sounding book. I'm on my way to right now to see if I can get my hands on it cheaply. Merry Christmas, my dear!!

    Liz, You looked *stunning* at our church Christmas party! I cannot tell you how good it felt to me just to see your face. I miss you all the time. Wasn't that party the biggest fun? ("Baby Jesus" bawled his head off, and ended up with a pacifier stuck in his mouth - ACK!)

    Happy Christmas to all...back to the family...

  4. Thanks for the compliment! Yes, I *loved* the Christmas party! I was laughing so hard at one point I was nearly in tears. It was an absolutely refreshing evening!


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