
Are certain magical planets in perfect alignment this week?

Has the fairy Godmother sprinkled me with fairy dust while I was asleep last night?

Or is God just good to His girls?

I think it is the last one. You might think this is shallow, but girls, I actually found a pair of Michael Kors jeans for....(are you sitting down?)...$19.99. These are $150 jeans if you are crazy enough to pay full price retail, which I do not believe I have ever done in all my life.

But even I don't tend to find deals this good, unless I am thrift store shopping. You can't even get them on ebay for this great a deal. I checked.

These jeans fit perfectly (read: comfortably), and look exactly the way I want them to. I have a thing about "mom jeans". I don't wear them. I also have a thing about jeans with any sort of embroidery on the leg, any sort of sparkley anything. I don't wear them. One makes me look old, the other like I'm trying too hard.

This pair of jeans has the perfect fading, not too much, not too little, and when I sit down....well, you know. It's all good.

If that were not enough, I got a gorgeous pair of Sage western boots for my birthday. I either heard angels singing when I saw the box, or was about to pass out. These babies are cute, cute, cute. And comfortable. I've never been to Texas, but I can now look as long and sort of lean as any Texas girl, and besides, Kenny Chesney is from around these parts, so I feel entitled to wear these boots with pride.

For those who are more visual, here you go:

the exact jeans I found today...and that might be me, there. Well. It could be. Ten pounds from today.

My boots. Exactly my boots. Butter soft leather.

Michael Kors jeans - $19.99 + tax, which here in Tennessee is the highest in the world, I think.

Western boots - free

Feeling happy, "stylin' and profilin" - priceless

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