This Season of Harvest

Harvest Church has sent many on short term missions trips - too many for me to try and count them all up. And we, along with other Master Builder's churches, support several long term, career missionaries.

But we...Harvest Church...sent out our very first long term missionary this past Sunday. We held a special service Sunday evening, commissioning Jonathan Trentham (lovingly called Jon-O), who is, even as I type, on his way to Kampot, Cambodia to work full time with Lighthouse Ministries orphanage, and their church planting efforts, led by Lewis and Kristin Burke.

Jonathan's parents, Kevin and Angela, drove from North Carolina to proudly join us in sending off their son into the work of the ministry. I admire them so much for their open to us, open to Harvest Church, open to sending their son into a sometimes-dangerous place for the sake of the gospel. We enjoyed what little time we were able to grab with them, having heart-to-heart conversation, and establishing a unity of purpose with which I know God is pleased. Jon-O, I hear, comes from missionary stock. His parents have raised a good, good man.

There wasn't a dry eye in the sanctuary this past Sunday evening...we concluded the commissioning service with a party at the Kear home - where it felt like "you couldn't stir 'em with a stick!" Then, bright and early Monday morning, Jonathan said his final goodbye's at McGhee-Tyson airport.

Jon-O, we all will miss you. This is indeed a corporate sending, deeply felt and rejoiced over by each of us. Godspeed, dear one.

(Many thanks to Angela Trentham, Jonathan's sweet mom, for these shots...)

A time of worship - singing "sending songs"...

Our Emily, playing her violin beautifully, as usual...

Pastor Tim, preaching a "sending message"...

A word of wisdom from Kevin, Jonathan's father..."Hands on the plow, son, do not look back, do not be distracted."

Praying sending prayers...

Bittersweet going away party...

That's Jon-O, the tall guy in the black shirt...

Our young missionary...

Kevin and Angela, and their young arrow, released strong and straight and true, into the nations! Congratulations, mom and dad!


  1. A hearty AMEN!! I couldn't agree more! Thanks for posting this and sharing the pictures too.

  2. We are in a special, amazing season as a church body, aren't we? The blessing of the Lord is tangible!!!

  3. Whew ~ REJOICING and at the same time, 'weeping' at the meaning of all this! Our prayers are rising here in NC for Jon-O and we will put his photo on our Missions Bulletin Board in our SS class to remind everyone who looks at that board to pray for him and the Lighthouse Orphanage mission there. All the photos are so good; especially LOVE the photo of J and his dad; also, the one of his parents and J under the Cambodian flag. Very poignant photos and yes, a special, amazing season for Harvest's body. Love in Jesus, ann [and pat :o)] in faith


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