The Sad Reality of Offenses

The person most in position to advance you into the next level, is the person you are most likely to get offended by.

I plead with you, when this happens ("when", not "if") when the offense comes, stick and stay. See it through. Come under the authority of the word of God. You must come under to get over the mountain. Otherwise, you will have to repeat the lesson, and take the test over and over and over and... get the idea. You can experience ten years worth of spiritual growth in a week, by simply coming under. Or, take ten years to "get" what could have taken you only a week. Either way, you never advance to "C" without going through "A" and "B".

I don't get to pick the vessel through which I am to be dealt with or promoted. I don't get to pick who I will hear and who I will not. The moment I choose not to hear, the very moment I run from the lesson, my life becomes like...

"...the song that never ends!
It just goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it
Not knowing what it was
But they'll just keep on singing it forever, just because
This is the song that never ends!
It just goes on and on my friend.
Some people started singing it..."

There is one, and only one, common denominator in all your broken relationships: you. The day you give up and face that fact, change your mind, deal with your issues, and go mend those relational fences, will be the day of your greatest glory. All of heaven will record it.


  1. Anonymous03 June, 2010

    Oh, YES you said so much in a short post..You *always* learn more when you have to stop, humble yourself, and say Lord I will not move even if I am *right* (which does not matter), its the staying and chosing to learn. Oh, God if we would only get over *ourselves* and our silly, yes silly offences...becasue most of the time they are if we would really be honest about it.
    Remember love never fails, and that is what we are commanded to do..especailly the *so called hard to love** honor the unhonorable ones because what do we get when we just give love to the loveable?? nothing..
    So I say stay, never ever run, becasue you WILL go back around the mountain and it gets higher and higher...


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