One year ago this week, I felt a migraine headache coming on. Overwhelming things were happening in my personal life, on top of a Master Builder's National Conference we were expected to attend, and so it was with no surprise that I had the familiar symptoms. I braced myself, and mentioned it to my husband.
There were no angels singing, no scrolls dropping from heaven, and unfurling themselves revealing the words, "BE HEALED". There wasn't a single goose bump.
My husband simply laid his hand on me, right there in our master bathroom, and prayed a very simple prayer. It took twenty seconds.
All I felt, was a lingering warmth on the back of my head. Honestly, I chalked it up to the fact that his hand was on top of my head. Maybe I was "feeling" the warmth of his hand, just in a different place?
But I did take note of that sense of warmth. And I waited. The migraine never came.
Not only that, but friends, from that day to this, one year later, I have not had one single migraine headache. I had been getting them every month or so for over a year by then.
Not. One. Headache. From the first week of August, 2009, to this day.
It was such a testimony to me, one year ago this week. I will never, ever stop proclaiming that my God is a God of all Grace, and that He is a supernatural God, who is still in the healing business. My prayer and cry of my heart is that I never become critical and jaded and unbelieving.
Do I believe this means I will never, ever have another migraine? Here is what I do believe: I have gone for one full year, with barely even a tension headache, while enduring some of the keenest testing in my whole life. I have walked in a peace that passes understanding, from one year ago to this moment as I type. That's it. That's what I know.
I know that healing touch was also a sign, for that season, to Tim and I regarding some very personal things we were going through at the time - God loved us and approved of our labors in the gospel. He was, and is, on our side always.
Anniversaries of the spirit...they can be powerful things. Here I am, at this year's Master Builder's National Conference, preparing to speak tomorrow, enjoying the fellowship of faithful relationship, savoring my friends and family, entering the best season of my life so far...
...encompassed by songs of deliverance. I will never trade a lift hid with Christ in God for a life of playing church in my own strength.
My own strength and performance can't heal migraines. But Christ can.
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