
The season of Advent is upon us...for me, there is a fresh perspective on my personal celebration, as I am also awaiting the birth of a special child. (Oh, grandbaby of mine, do hurry up!)

We wait, because God waits. There has been much said from pulpits, throughout history, about "waiting on God". But think about it - we wait on God, because He waits.

He waits when there is death, pain, sickness, and wandering hearts - when He could say the word, and it all would be made right that very moment. So why does God wait?

When I asked Him, "Lord, why do you wait?" He answered me out of His word:

Therefore the LORD will wait, that He may be gracious to you; And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you. For the LORD is a God of justice; Blessed are all those who wait for Him. (Isaiah 30)

Legalistas have such a skewed idea of the justice of God. Through the cross of Christ, the scales have forever been tipped in my favor. Christ, and only Christ, satisfies the justice of God. All the wrath and judgement of God was poured out on Christ, so that I can experience life lived by Unfair Advantage.

Now, God waits so that he can be gracious to me. He is committed to be good to me, BECAUSE He is a God of justice. He made His only begotten Son the sacrifice in my place because He wants so very much to be good to me - in Satan's face.

This Advent season, the Season of the Holy Wait, whatever you are waiting on God for, know that you wait because He waits...and He waits, poised to do you good. He waits in order that His gracious nature, His mercy and favor can be exalted in your life. He is never too late.

Now. Time for me to hit "publish post". The family is calling me...we are going to decorate the tree tonight!

Let the fun (and the waiting) begin! I do so love Advent...

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful. Wonderful. Wonder-FULL.

    Waiting...with you.

    abiding love,
    ann-onymous and pat-onymous, too


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