Our Missionary To Cambodia is Returning to Cambodia...

Our missionary to Cambodia, Jonathan Trentham, lovingly known as "Jono", came home on furlough in late January...

We surprised him with a "Welcome Home" gathering at the church...

Look closely...can you see the love and respect on those faces? This young man is greatly esteemed, and much loved by all in Harvest Church...

And by one Timothy Paul. (This was shot the next morning, at my house...) We all believe that Timothy will go on a "big trip" with his tall uncle-buddy Jono one day.

And now...his time here stateside is over. As soon as it began, it seems, it is over. My heart is actually a bit heavy as I turn into my bed this evening. Tomorrow is the last Sunday I will get to see Jono for the next 6 months.

Ah. My heart. I love this kid. (No, he isn't a kid, but he is such a sweet "boy" to me!) Actually, Jono came home a grown man. You could see it.

Jono, I will dwell on this happy picture, until you come back home, my friend. Godspeed.

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