What You Missed Today...

...if you were not at church with me...

A brand new Chinese believer, giving his testimony in sweet, broken English...

Going under - old life buried...

Coming back up - raised with Him, in newness of life!


  1. Anonymous16 May, 2011

    OH.HOW.PRECIOUS. and what a glorious day !!! PRAISING GOD with all! [And Jeff looks as happy as the dear new brother in Christ! :o) ]

  2. Ustream is the bomb :) so though I had to be at home with a sick child, I did not have to miss this wonderful occasion. Awesome, awesome!!

  3. So exciting! I loved listening to his testimony. God is so good! :)

  4. Super! We had an 18 year old deaf girl baptized on Sunday! So special.


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