Basketball and Senior Day - Last Home Game

"Senior player number 25, Isaac Atchley..."

"...his parents, Tim and Sheila Atchley..."
"...his favorite Scripture is Phillippians 4:13..." (a teary moment, there...)
"...his favorite memories are all the stories of Coach Ritchie and his Sleep Number Bed!" (You'd have to hear these in person to "get this one"...)
"...he will be playing this fall for Johnson University, and in 5 years sees himself  wherever God wants him to be."  (Does my face even convey how I am feeling?  I didn't know how he'd answer that question.  My heart was full.  He's been such a brat, but my mother's heart was bursting with pride, nonetheless.)

In case you'd like a little visual hint on how the ensuing game went...

25 hooped it up - the whole team played phenomenally, in a very close game...and won!

Oh my baby.  Oh my heart.  Eye on the Prize, son...eye on the prize.  Keep your focus and keep your head and keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. 

It was worth it all.  I am proud.

I cannot type anymore, friends.  The tears are flooding my vision and the keyboard.  Who can know how hard this journey was, and what this means to The Preacher and I?  Who can know, but The Preacher and I, our family and our church family?


  1. You must be very proud.
    I’ve been following and enjoying your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation

  2. Oh Sheila, tears are in my eyes and I am not kidding. I have went over this twice! I have read of only some of struggles you have had so I know you must be absolutly beaming and ever so thankful! I love you so much!

  3. ::fighting back tears:: WOW! SO very proud of him, Sheila! Our God is faithful!

  4. Didn't get to come to any games this season..but so glad for the pics you posted, and allowing us to follow you on this journey. Gods so very good.

  5. :******


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