Art For Missions

Here's another one up in the shop. 

But it might be sold already, I am waiting to hear.  Someone saw the 12x12 version on this blog and emailed me about commissioning another one. 

I am going to go ahead and post it because I want you to see this size, and see it framed!

The name of this one is "Promise of Mercy".  The Scripture verse is out of Genesis, instead of Revelation (like in the 12x12 "Grace Revelation").  It is hand lettered in a very, very folksy style, instead of the more exact manuscript hand lettering.  It has each color of the rainbow written over the top - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo. 

The colors aren't reading well in the light I had available to photograph this - but each color reads clearly in person.  If this isn't already sold, I will repost a better picture later, when we finally get sun.

Done in self-mixed acrylics, watercolors,  inks, using a variety of methods - all on a background of barely-visible antique pages from books and hymnals.

This needs a real close-up shot, so you can even see the papers that make up the ground layer of this painting.  Again - when we get good sun.

I'm pricing this one at $55 unframed, postage paid - $75 framed, postage paid. 

Half of everything I make goes to fund our church's youth mission trip to the streets of California in June (several of our kids come from a single parent household, and my heart is so enlarged towards them...I want to see them able to go!), half goes back into art supplies.  (I've already spent more than that replenishing, so invested, not just "spent", seed sown, not my word for the year 2011, I am still sowing...)

If you want one like this, in this size, email me.  I can do a special commission for you.  Each one will be slightly different, of course, because this is all hand done, from gesso, to papers, to finish signature.

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