Black and White Commissioned "Art For Missions"

I was commissioned by a friend to paint my "In Christ Alone" canvas in black, white, and gray...

...and she also ordered my "He is Risen" print. She plans to hang them both in her bedroom, which is decorated in black and white.

A closer view of the print...(available for $12 - email me if you want one!)

A closer view of the canvas.  (If you want to commission one in colors of your choice, the cost is $45, postage paid.  Email me, and let me know what colors and what size - I do 9x9, 10x10, or 8x10 for that price.  Half of everything I make goes to our church's youth group mission trip this June, the other half goes to purchasing more art supplies, so I can keep creating "Art For Missions".) 

This one was such a challenge to paint!  I thought it would be difficult, but it was harder than I expected.  It was done in acrylics, watercolor, ink, and pages from Old English catechism and antique hymnals.

Do you see the faint outline of a cross in the center?  Can you see shades of gray dripping down the canvas?

I find I cannot paint a canvas without "flow".  As I continue to work to develop a personal painting style, I'm beginning to find that I can't create without purposely letting paint drip and run.   I've thought about it, and I believe this is for several reasons.

I'm strongly affected by Biblical imagery, and everything powerful and effective God does has "flow" to it.

He anoints my head with oil.  My cup overflows.

Jesus wept.

Blood and water flowed at the cross.

But mostly,'s the perfume.

Yeah.  It's the perfumed oil that the worshiping woman poured on the feet of Jesus, and then wiped His feet with her hair.

Extravagant worship is messy.  It drips, it flows, it weeps.  Lately, I can't create anything with paint, without this imagery showing up somewhere.

Beginning next week, I'll be painting more canvases.  I'll be doing another "Grow in Grace" mixed media canvas, and I also have some new inspiration I can't wait to get painted up.  Can't wait to share it with you!    

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