Second Installment - Sweet, Sweet (Not Quite Wordless) Sunday

Hey Pastor Tim, look at this...

 Timothy and Daddy (and Easter bunny)

Aunt Rah (Sarah) on the left, and her baby bump.  This time next year, our granddaughter will be with us!  Momma Hannah on the right, keeping an eye on Timothy... 

Our oldest son Josiah, and a guest named Keece.  (I'll let you decide which is which...)

Youngest son Isaac on the swing, playing a set of shakers (!) - Justin swinging his son...

Jono, who is much more like family than a guest, sitting the beatbox...

Picking a country tune...after all, he is my son.

I can't stand it, either.  This is too cute for words.  It so rocks to be me.

I know, right?  Stop it.  You want me to stop it, and get on with my bad self and stop braggin'.

...handsome...!  (Keece, you know we love you!)

...very white and and dressed up...think opposite the picture before this one...

"'s what I love about Sundays..."

 ...are we for real?

Isaac, cueing himself in on the bongos...killing the song...but Timothy applauds him, so he's encouraged to keep banging away... 

Um, yes.  That would be a foot tamborine.  We.  Are.  That.  Family.

(Actually, it's Jono's.  Same difference.  He ain't heavy, he's our brother. )

Last, but not least, these last few will realllllly do you in:

...playing the Penny Whistle...

 ...playing the Penny Whistle and the shakers, at the same time.  A completely uncoached moment!

I dare you to click on this picture, and look at an enlarged version...the look in those eyes...the pure joy of playing instruments like Poppy and Unker Josiah and Unker Jono and Unker Isaac...

I know.  Stop.  It.

I'll stop now.  But this really was our Easter Afternoon.  Don't hate me cuz I'm Harvesting.

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