My Muse and Keurig Coffee

I never found my mojo today.  After a late night, last night, and fitful sleep with vivid dreams, I woke up to the familiar aura or "halo" in the left eye.

Aw, heck no.  I have not had a migraine headache since the first week of August, 2009.

And I am happy to report that I still have not had a migraine headache since August of 2009.

But I could not find my mojo.  Not to save my life.  I tried so hard to power through this day without it.  You should see the disgusting befuddlement of purple and pink I put on a canvas today.  My very first unmitigated disaster.  I ended up gesso'ing over the whole convoluted hot mess.

Mojo matters in art, apparently. I blame my Inner Muse.

I think perhaps my Inner Muse is spoiled on Keurig Caribou coffee, and hid the mojo when I tried to fuel her with reheated leftover Eight O'Clock.  I'm out of Caribou.  Blasted Muse.   After realizing I'd gone the whole day on nothing but a whole wheat English muffin and microwaved Eight O'Clock coffee, I've plied her with a lovely spinach and grilled chicken salad, diet Coke, a nice bubble bath, and WhoNu cookies...still, she has remained unresponsive.

Yesterday was so full of mojo.  Yesterday was all art and all business and all prayer and all git 'er done with a side of mentoring a young college girlfriend of mine.  I felt powerful yesterday. I wanted a repeat of yesterday, and thought I could have it all and a bag of chips, with or without appropriate rest, self care, and Keurig coffee.

I ended up a pitiful shadow of my yesterday's self, smearing purple paint on canvas and wishing I could down a red Solo cup of Jack.  But I'm a Preacher's Wife, so I am limited to Diet Coke.

This being an artist thing is harder than it looks.  My muse is a brat.  Apparently she requires that I take better care of myself.

Stupid muse.


  1. There must be something in the air. I had a halo, zig-zag, bright blue light in my right eye for hours Monday morning. I have also not had a migrane in years. I prayed it wouldn't go into full blown pain. It did result in a sinus headache though.

    How is yours today, Sheila?

  2. Hi Robin!

    I'm late, getting to my comments - but all the aura/light symptoms never materialized into anything more! I'm telling you, God truly healed me of pretty regular migraines - it was a marked occasion, a specific day, with specific events surrounding...and Tim prayed for me, and never, ever again since that day. PTL!!!

    How is Ryan? :-) Love to you!

  3. This made me LOL! I SO have these days as well. In fact, I made NOTHING all weekend. Nothing. But I got my house cleaned. However, it is more fun to make art or quilt.

    Just came to visit your blog today after seeing your video on Creatively Made FB page. I'm loving the class and am inspired by the participants. Love your video and love your honesty!

    I'm thoroughly enjoying your blog as well. Have a happy happy day! And may you create something "muse-worthy" today. ;)


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