"Thanksgiving and Advent"...no wait, this should be "Sheila Atchley Is a Walking Blooper" (W.E.L.L. Being - a Video Weblog Series)

Happy, happy Thanksgiving to all my friends - new and old.  What a blessed year this has been so far - I've made so many new friends in the art world.  And in other worlds.

Um...other areas.  I've made friends in other arenas, such as business and nonprofit and ministry.  My friends are all earthly.  Let me repeat:  I have no alien friends.

Nevermind.  Another installment in my W.E.L.L. Being Video Weblog Series


  1. Susan Hitchcock20 November, 2012

    WOW!!!!!! Well, this was the HIGHLIGHT of my day to not only SEE your beautiful face, but to HEAR your OH-SO-GORGEOUS voice! Reminds me of the LORD saying that the sound of our voice is sweet to His ears! This is HOW I felt about hearing your voice, Sheila! And, of course, your WORDS were SO timely and encouraging and HOPEFUL! ha! LOVED the sign falling! DON'T LET HOPE FALL!!!!! :-))) All my love, dearest friend, Susan

  2. Lol... This was the perfect Holy Spirit constructed, mix of restful, encouraging, beautiful sentiment with just the right amount of laughter!
    Thank you for this!!
    My spirit is so encouraged! You succeeded in making my heart soar with thoughts of hopefully waiting, and humour!

  3. Thank you Susan Hitchcock! I love you!!! Praying for you..."PUSH"


  4. Love it...Thank you for the encouragement! Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Love it...Thank you for the encouragement! Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. Happy Thanksgiving, Sheila and family!


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