Then Sings My Soul {Gratitude for Storms}

The violin is one of the most beautiful sounding instruments of all.  This is due, in large part, to the kind of wood the violin is made of.

Master craftsmen spend weeks and even months searching for special trees above the usual timberline - far, far up the mountainside.  The battering of high winds and the deep snows of winter cause those trees to produce extra resins, giving fibers a tight grain, and even an exquisite perfume.

The intensity of the storms, unlike the more sheltered foothills and valley areas, combined with the austere terrain and cold temperatures, produce a wood that is the toughest in the world...

...and creates one of the most beautiful instruments in the world - the violin.

Not coincidentally, I believe, the violin is the instrument that most resembles the human voice.

We all sing our most beautiful songs after the storms.  We need those storms to even know why it is we sing in the first place.

Without the battering of high winds, and the sting of cold, the only song we can become, is the human equivalent to pop music.


  1. "Without the battering of high winds, and the sting of cold, the only song we can become, is the human equivalent to pop music"

    I am going to contemplate this all day long as I finish preparing the yard for the first winter battering of the season.

    This year, the Lord has given me drive and strength to prune back drastically, (in the yard-my blessed trees and bushes, in the cottage-too many books from the hs years not needed now, and in my heart in the empty-nesting season of so many family changes).

    I am Thankful, but still have a way to go before Thanksgiving Day Hostessing. But at least I can see the Glory-light before I get to the end of the tunnel!!

  2. Such truth, Sheila!
    Megan C.


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