Tending The Fires {...random thoughts, on the eve of our trip to SC to see our son graduate from Marine boot camp...}

I can remember when my love for Tim had that breathless, almost heartsick quality. 

(And this is not a lead-in to a guilt trip about spiritual "first love for God", I promise!  Seriously, almost everyone thinks that's where I am going, when I touch on this subject, just because I'm a preacher's wife.) 

I'm thinking purely of old fashioned romance...boy meets girl....you know.

Certain moments with him would overwhelm my heart, because it was all so very, very good! Tears would inevitably spring to my eyes, unbidden; sometimes I'd hide them, other times I would let them slightly spill. Sweetness. Being with him was sweet.

No one pretends that marriage should, or even could, maintain that heightened mountaintop experience, day in and day out, for twenty...thirty...fifty years. I recently read, and hoo boy, is it true, that romance is the ideal, marriage the real.

Our marriage has been really, really real. You won't weather twins, then two more, church planting, bivocational ministry, then full time ministry, financial lack, home schooling,  a home renovation, betrayal, grandchildren, prodigal sons, and lots of 12 hour workdays (for both of us) and not end up with a marriage as real as nicely worn oak floors. 

I love my old wood floors. They are nicked and scuffed, and as hospitable and low maintenance as their owners....go on, drop your keys, wear your shoes, put a dent in this wood..see if we so much as blink an eye.

That's also a great description of a healthy marriage. By now, we don't sweat the small stuff, and baby...it's all small stuff.

Then, there are those moments that catch us by surprise. Those moments that teach us that being married means so much more than just "not being divorced". Like an old song, familiar and well loved, like a bonfire that burns, then ebbs, then burns again, like a fine wine...need I go on? Our eyes meet, and though it sounds sappy, the sparks fly...

....then our middle-aged lives, with their middle-aged stress, and middle aged time constraints, middle aged perspectives, middle-aged spread, and middle-aged responsibilities.....middle age itself melts away, in the moment, and I am breathless and teary-eyed once again. 

It happens, now and then. 

And simple songs, serindipitously played on a kitchen radio are a vastly underrated aphrodisiac.

Hey have you ever tried,
Really reaching out for the other side?
I may be climbing on rainbows
But, baby here goes.

Dreams they're for those who sleep,
Life is for us to keep,
And if youre wond'ring
What this song is leading to

I want to make it with you.
I really think that we can make it girl....


  1. How beautiful!!! You know, there for a moment you could have been describing my marriage --- except for the "twins" part along with the "two others"... God gave us our miracle in our one child --- but we have been in nearly every other similar situation. Time goes by ... and the wisdom comes -- after the storms & destruction & the rebuild ... isn't redemption simply beautiful in our stages of marriage right now? And your post ... simply beautiful, sweet friend!

  2. Mercy, you made me cry. so much of this spoke to me on a deep level. The part about the old oak floors and this:
    "....then our middle-aged lives, with their middle-aged stress, and middle aged time constraints, middle aged perspectives, middle-aged spread, and middle-aged responsibilities.....middle age itself melts away, in the moment, and I am breathless and teary-eyed once again."

    We celebrated 34 years in October. on the exact date which our son and his sweetheart decided for their own anniversary. I'm so glad to have that history with the man I've loved since I was 14 and he was 16.

    And Bread? Yes, please.

    I clicked over from Jeanne's place even before I watched your videos. I'm glad I did. Hugs.

  3. I love your beautiful sweet writing and the wisdom in your words. I'm so glad I found you today on Jeanne's site. Blessings!

  4. I "found" you today on Jeanne's Becoming. . . Class post and wanted to pop over and thank you properly for your wonderful videos. I got so much out of your "Becoming. . ." talk and wish I had a friend like you nearby! I also have wanted to get into stamping on leather since finding Brave Girls years back, and I think with your handy and helpful video I might actually be able to do it! You did fantastic with your first tutorial BTW. Thank you for sharing your heart and your very real love of Christ with all of us.

  5. Susan, my friend...redemption itself IS a love story. I'm so glad you are my friend.

  6. Hi Southern Gal! I'm a southern gal! :) Thank you for the hug, and happy 35 years, 9 months from now!!

  7. Hi Iris. I'm glad we found each other, too. <3

  8. Maureen, you made my day. Thank you. Why are we so hard on ourselves? (I really did not think the project video was "good enough", but with our Grandbaby and Christmas coming, it was the best I could do in the time I had...) I appreciate you taking time to leave a comment here.

  9. I found you today through the Becoming class. I had to comment because of your son's graduation. Our son is also a Marine and we were able to attend his graduation a year ago October. It is something I will never forget. Praying Gods blessing on you and your family. Enjoy the graduation and time with your Marine.


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