I Love My VitaMix {...a digital cookbook GIVEAWAY...}

If you've been following my blog, you know how much I love my Vitamix.

{My website isn't monetized.  I don't have anything against monetization, I just haven't done it.  Blogging is hard work, and who knows?  I may monetize one day.  But I get nothing...nada...zip...if you click on any link and make a purchase.  My links are purely a courtesy.}

I share a few recipes here and here

So you can imagine my interest when Jesse Morgan contacted me, offering to give TEN of my readers a free digital download of her Blender Recipe  Cookbook.  Here is a link to the reviews this book is receiving.

Obviously, I am not going to collaborate on anything that I don't think is special - so please let me assure you, this recipe book - written for use with any high speed blender - is fabulous.

Orange Sorbet

Tomato Soup

Butternut Squash Soup

I am delighted to offer this FREE digital download to TEN readers!  To enter the giveaway, please just leave a comment below.  To be entered again, just share a link to this blog post to any social media  - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest - and come back and let me know where you shared it.

 {...and I understand that leaving a comment can be a hassle.  I wish I could make the process easier; but to eliminate spamming, I unfortunately have to keep certain filters in place.  Persevere, gentle reader, so you can have your free download of this recipe book!}

This recipe book is a compilation of LOTS of recipes across LOTS of categories.  You are absolutely certain to find new, healthy favorites.

A big thank you to Jesse Morgan for her generosity to my readers!

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