A Short Excerpt From My New Book {"The Women of Advent"}

Of all the women in the genealogy of Jesus, Bathsheba was the woman who gave me a run for my money.  I ended up seeking the Lord long and hard over her.  She began as my least favorite of the 5 women mentioned in Matthew chapter 1 (Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary), and she ended up as my most favorite.

Above is a very short excerpt from my new 113 page book entitled Women of Advent || A Gathering of Scattered Hearts Past and Present.  

If you, like me, are feeling a little scattered at this point in your life, this is the book you might want to take with you into the Advent season.

Our God is a good...great...gathering God.

{Pre-order prices expire this Monday, October 17th.  Thank you for your gracious enthusiasm - your response has been overwhelming to me!}

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