We Said I Do ~ She Said Yes
Twenty-two years ago yesterday, Tim and I said "I do". We got to celebrate our 22nd anniversary in a very interesting way...22 y...
The LORD is My Righteousness
Such an appropriate old hymn, after the rousing grace-message my Tim preached on Sunday... I Once Was a Stranger by Robert McCheyne (liv...
Let My Birthweek Begin!
Gift card for a pedicure...God loves me silly . Just call me Achsah. It'll make sense when you're finished reading. Today's m...
Grace. I "get it", on so many levels. I get it daily from the Father; I get it, in that I come to understand it for myself more an...
Wordless Wednesday...truly, I am without words...
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Highlighted and Underlined
"My World", early this morning...my youngest, and his reading assignment...and our puppy! " "My World", late thi...
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Worth Noting
There's this blog I have always loved. One of the best blogs out there, in my ever-so-humble opinion. Problem is, the writer had a nasty...
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