Random but Sweet...
I'm being sweetly bitten by the redecorating bug. That is a very, very good sign. You see, when I am in my happy place, I find myself fu...
Bringing in More Sheaves - a Harvest of Thoughts of Gentle Gratitude
in keeping with this month of harvest and Thanksgiving, I am incredibly grateful for... the free gift of grace, the courage i've seen in...
Coming to Harvest Church...
Our college/career age small group begins this comprehensive Biblical curriculum this evening: Got a gigantic pot of chili on the stove...
Underlined Bits
I don't underline and highlight only spiritual books or my Bible. I also underline and highlight any beautiful thought, any well turned...
If you're reading this via my blog (as opposed to Facebook) please scroll down and hit the pause button on the music playlist on the lef...
If it isn't the Sound of Joyful Shouting...What Would You Call It?
Moderate strength is shown in violence, supreme strength is shown in levity. ~GK Chesterton Sorry to be over-quoting here , but CS Lewis s...
Bringing In The Sheaves, a Harvest of Thoughts of Gentle Gratitude
I am so grateful for... the view right outside the window of this vacation hideaway. maryland crab cakes. bacon- ey salad with ranch dress...
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