Random Musings...
Another New Year's Eve. 2009 was a mixture of "the best of times, the worst of times". I'm a better woman for having exper...
I Long to Know My Need More Fully!
" Grace substitutes a full, childlike and delighted acceptance of our need , a joy in total dependence . We become 'jolly beggars...
...he said, and I quote...
Nothing we have heard at Harvest Church over the course of the entire year of 2009 is new. But a few felt it was somehow new - that Tim made...
"Grace Always Embraces..."
I truly want to share with you today from the Precious Pen of Ann Voskamp, over at "a holy experience" (see link to the left) Wedn...
Transitional Decorating...
I said I'd post pictures. I got our Christmas decorations put away, and dragged some winter branches home from the house of a neighbor w...
My Reality...
But as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel , even so we speak , not as pleasing men, but God who tests our hearts...
C.H. Spurgeon
He who forgets the humming of the bees among the heather, the cooing of the wood-pigeons in the forest, the song of birds in the woods, th...
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