Missional is Personal
We are a missional people, who serve a missional God. Ours is a vast, overarching purpose, and that purpose is the glory and praise of God....
It's Football Time in Tennessee!
Full house, this evening, as family and friends gathered here at the cottage for the first UT football game of the season. Our beautiful Ne...
It's a GIRL!
(babies make us so happy we're singing - and it's a good thing, since we're having one, and our church family is expecting FOUR!...
In Which Rambo Wants to Say...
Rambo-Beenie wants to say that he's turning over a New Leaf. He says he realizes he's not been as kind as he could have been, and h...
Guess What Tomorrow Is?
September First. That's all. But that's wonderful. Oh, how I love me some September. Soooo...to cheer myself upon summer...
5 Tips for Beating Fatigue. No, I'd rather call this - Dime Day, in which Sheila Gives Her Two Cents, Five Times...
I am reluctant to call this post "5 Tips for Beating Fatigue". Why, I don't know. It sounds too all-knowing, I suppose. So...
Of Writing and Socks...or Scarves
Knitting is very conducive to thought. It is nice to knit a while, put down the needles, write a while, then take up the sock again. ~Dorot...
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