My Brand New Podcast {Being Willing to Do Some Things Badly...for a little while...}
I am excited to be offering this to me, it represents hours and hours of hard work - I am notttt tech savvy. It isn...
Do Your Daily "Math" Assignment {A Coaching Moment}
I think you remember those grade school math sheets...they looked like this: ______ + ______ = _______ {with one or two of the values...
"I Love Us." {A Day Spent Learning How to Rest in Preacher and me...}
"Then the children of Joseph spoke to Joshua, saying, “Why have you given us only one lot and one share to inherit, since...
Launch First - Tweak As You Go {...all the most effective people do...}
Well, I heard my son-in-law preach an amazing message on launching out in faith - not duty, not going through the motions - to invest...
Your {Simple Yet Powerful} Playsheet is Ready...
As promised, I prepared you a "Tolerations Playsheet". And she is deceptively simple. Because science confirms that the h...
What Are You Tolerating {...that you shouldn't be...}
Tell me what it is you are tolerating, right now this minute. Did you know that almost everyone has at least a hundred (yes......
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