There is Coming a Mighty Season of Full Restoration {...thoughts on grace and gospel...}
I wish I could communicate to you the sweetness of tonight. I am living a dream I have not earned and do not deserve. {experiencing ...
On Mother's Day and Honor's Wounded Blessing {...for MOST, this relationship needs some healing...}
That day when I humbled myself and acknowledged that my mom had always loved me. {...even with her own wounded places, and no...
Do You Love What Christ Loves? {...Christ loves His Church...}
(..the front door of our church, where I am a devoted member of the body and bride of Christ..) " Joseph, a Levite and a Cypri...
Naked Cake { pan - NO mixing bowl...}
I confess. I'm a cake eater. And a bread eater. And I don't make a bit of it with almond or coconut or __________ flour. I ...
Let It Go {..."your momma isn't to blame", and other thoughts about moms and Mother's Day...}
(my precious momma and daddy, on their 50th wedding anniversary in 2013) Passing judgement on a parent (in this case of this particul...
A Vitamix Recipe: "Really Easy Grape Juice With Chia Seeds" {, really, really, really easy...}
{brief caveat: I made this juice using a Vitamix. I think it would turn out just fine, no matter what kind of blender you use, but I d...
As The Next Generation is Home Educated {...another slice of life...a regular Thursday in this 'hood...}
Remember this? Beauty really does spring from broken places. There were some dark days in my 22+ year home educating career. There ...
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