The Fires in the Smokies {...and restoration, and mountain angels...}
After the horrific fires in the Great Smoky Mountains national park, and the city of Gatlinburg, my husband and I needed to visit our be...
Painting and Poetry {...finding inspiration in the very, very daily...}
Find and Prepare I do not so much make art as I find art in scraps of gab the dialogue of children
"Gathered" {...encouragement in poetry...}
I am near-fifty And the broken barleybread Of my mistakes and small thinking Lay scattered throughout This silent house.
My Book "The Women of Advent" Now On Amazon {...and an audio clip...}
I'm so delighted to announce that my book "The Women of Advent || A Gathering of Scattered Hearts, Past and Present " is now ...
The Best Part About Turning 50 {...and it wasn't the ipad pro...}
In other news - I turned 50 last week! And The Preacher gave me an ipad pro!
The Reviews On My Book
The reviews on my first book The Women of Advent || A Gathering of Scattered Hearts, Past and Present are beginning to roll in.
Art for Art's Sake
Part of my fall "bucket list" is to make even more "art for the sake of art". So yesterday, after many days of t...
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