A Day of Sunflowers...

Just this morning, the first sunflower of the Atchley garden fully opened its bright, beautiful face. The timing could not have been more appropriate. In the language of flowers, the sunflower means, "I am proud of you!"

...and today is my identical twin daughters' 21st birthday. Their dad and I could not be more proud.

Happy Birthday, beautiful women!


  1. Anonymous31 July, 2008


    21! How time flies! What a "double blessing" they are! May the Lord continue to bless their lives in wonderful ways!

    And SheilaDearest....the music you have on here for today couldn't be more *perfect*!

    Love you all soooo much,

  2. Looking at the Loveliest 21-year old twins born on July 31st, thanking God for His plan for their lives and how they are living it out so beautifully! LOVE YOU, HANNAH and SARAH ~ Happiest 21st!
    LoveHugsPrayers, ann (and pat) in faith

  3. THANK YOU for the birthday wishes! :-) We love you, too, aunt Wendy and AuntieAnn and UnkiePat!


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