Morning Has Broken ~

Here is what is new in the Atchley-late-summer garden...or, relatively new. Not to sound trite, but these are small harvests of pure pleasure to me:

Finally, after planting these by seed, months ago, the first blossom appears just this very morning...I had given up hope of this Morning Glory ever blooming. Isn't that how hoping in God is? The results, to quote Pilgrim's Progress, are always "longer than you wish, sooner than you think."

Candid shot (really!) of just a few of my Tools of the Trade...I snapped this just after planting some pots of rudbeckia this morning. Better to plant late, than to plant never! Hmmmmmm...isn't that also the way hoping in God is?

Apples, growing just alongside the stump of a plum tree. A plum that had to be cut down, years ago! A surprise blessing, from what seemed to us the sadness of long-ago storm damage.

My "reading girl" statue - through a mist of heirloom cherry tomato plants, whose harvest is, as of this week, full-force!

The last of the patio tomatoes. Not so "full-force" anymore.

Hand-made, "primitive" style tables, created by our retired neighbor, just for us, in our firepit outdoor "living room".

This week's newest sunflower! See the bee? (photo by Hannah Atchley)

Apples from "our" tree. Well...this tree is five steps away from the Atchley property line, and my retired neighbor Earl lovingly insists that we pick as much as we want, anytime we want. So yes. The tree is "mine". This harvest of apples is my harvest. A better batch of fried apples we never tasted! It so rocks to be me.

About a month ago, we wondered where our hummingbirds went. My husband, who loves to watch them, prayed out loud, in front of me, "Lord...please send our hummers back." Now, we have a Hummingbird Sighting every two minutes. Not even lying. They are everywhere, and fly disarmingly close to us, at all hours of the daytime. (photo by Hannah Atchley)

Our Mammoth-variety (we are growing about four different kinds!) of sunflowers finally opened their faces two weeks ago. Here is one of them. (photo taken by Hannah Atchley)


  1. Breathing deeply of the 'atmosphere of eternity' as I take my vicarious stroll and 'sit a spell' in your garden of delights. God's Creation is glorious...intriguing...inspiring...beautiful...confirmation of a Creator with a Perfect Plan. And your music by Cat Stevens and the Beatles reminds me to pray for those who only seem to love the creation, without knowing or giving Glory to the Creator.
    Abounding love,ann in faith

  2. I love how in everything you can see how it can be used to help us in our walk with God. I'm so glad to know you as well as Tim. Both of you have been a blessing to me. I also wanted to say I enjoyed our talk sunday. And even though it was just you being you, I wanted to say thank you for the hug and simply saying I love you to me as I left. Such a simple act, but it meant alot to me, and I needed it.
    I look forward to reading more of what you write, as well as more conversations with you.
    God bless

  3. Love the pictures of your "garden goodies"! So glad to know the hummingbirds are back. And fresh APPLES! Oh joy!! We were given a 'stick of a peach tree' a few years ago. I thought the thing had died. Little did I know that the tall bushy looking thing at the bottom of our yard was the SAME peach tree! And then when Noah brought in EIGHT good size peaches from it a couple of weekends ago, I was completely amazed! We picked two more since then. They were the best peaches! So I fully understand your joy in those apples! : )

    I just so enjoy your blog! Keep up the good work!

    Love you dearly,

  4. Classic songs...songs that make me "happy", in a way. Thank you for the comment, MomAnn-in-Faith!

    Mauk! Hi! So good to "see" you. This was a pleasant surprise. , It seemed like the perfect time, this past Sunday, to say what I had been meaning to tell you for awhile. It was a great conversation! You are welcome, though no thanks is necessary. I'm tickled that you'll "come see me" here at my blog. :-)

    Wendy, I so love peaches. It is such a miracle to me that little sticks you put in the ground, and then nurture (or not nurture! ACK!) can grow into something wonderful. I hope this blog is a relaxing break in your day. You are dear-er than dear to me, but you know that. :-)

  5. I love the pictures and little reminders for walking with God! All of the pictures are great but Hannah's photography is amazing! It's obvious she's been practicing! I LOVE the one with the hummingbird! What a treasure!


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