Worth Noting

There's this blog I have always loved. One of the best blogs out there, in my ever-so-humble opinion. Problem is, the writer had a nasty bout with breast cancer, and was entirely unsure as to whether she'd live to blog another day.

And so this blog-among-blogs sat silent for a long, long time. I was sad. More recently, I would visit the archives now and then, and come away inspired with some quote or germ of an idea for my own blog...for those times when my brain was creatively uncooperative, and my pages mute and blank for days. How many blogs are good enough to make you do that??

I wondered if I'd ever see a new blog post there again. In fact, I knew I might not.

Glory to God and shout "AMEN" (I am so not being facitious) I booted up today, to find a cheery comment from my friend and fellow-Scotswoman (I am not sure that is by maiden name, as in my case, but it is for sure by marriage, in her case, and that counts double!). Literally, she's alive to tell about the goodness of God, and has indeed lived to blog another day.

It is with a joyful flourish....a bow, even....with a grateful heart to the God Who Heals Us, that I introduce you to "Queen Shenaynay". (That is obviously a pen name...this family generally does not use their real names on their blog...wisely, I'm sure. Me? I am far too blase, and don't take such things seriously enough. Ahem. At least I don't post my address and phone number.)

She was also one of the Main Minds, one of the creative forces, in the formation of the best online homeschooling curriculum - the one I have used from the time it became officially Ambleside Online.

The link will be found over there, to your left. Ambleside was the result of the collective efforts of my blogging friend, plus a few other startlingly brilliant and self sacrificing women, who labored countless hours over many years, to both compile this curriculum, and make it available for free.

She's quite a woman.

She's back. She's blogging. Look out, world. Inspiration and wisdom is forthwith. Do visit her at www.beehive5.blogspot.com. You'll find my new-old favorite blog, back in business. You'll even see pictures of the Queen's oldest daughter (who graduated from homeschool, and is attending a university in Texas), who recently became a beautiful bride.

My friend may or may not be at her old energy levels - I do not know how often she will find time and energy to blog. But I assure you that every little bit she shares, whenever she shares it, will be worth the wait. When you have time to go lolly-blogging, do pay her a visit.

Girlfriend, I have so missed you!

1 comment:

  1. Awww. Pshaw. Thanks, my friend.

    I've missed you, too! I was so happy to find your blog.


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