
I am a terrible multi-tasker. The real tragedy is that I still try. Every day. Many times a day, and with dubious results at best, or death-defying results, at worst. (For me to talk on a cell phone and try to drive is the definition of tempting God...)

Take today, for instance. I have a candle-drawer, in my foyer. I was given a beautiful, antique oak dresser some years back, and I use it in my entry-way. I have drawers for the family's cell phone accoutrement's, a drawer for gloves or hats, and a drawer full of various candles and essential oils - these for ambiance in lighting and scenting our home.

Having just sprinkled a few drops of "balsam" oil around our fireplace this morning, I was on my way to put the tiny bottle back in the candle-drawer, when I spied a "poodle present". Need I elaborate? Our oldest poodle does not have the best control of his urges these days, and he sometimes leaves a "present" on the rug. So I took a detour, to get a tissue and disinfectant spray. I gathered said present (very dry, thankfully) in a tissue, and sprayed the area. Then, I tucked the spray under my arm, and left the room with poodle-poop wrapped in tissue in one hand, essential oil in the other, and disinfectant under my arm.

Alarms should sound, every time I try.

I was "multi-tasking" again, and someone should stop me, or a siren ought to blast, yanking my attention to the task(s) at hand.

It wasn't until I reached my final destination, the cleaning-closet, to return the spray, that I began to question the order of events. With some degree of consternation, I realized that, yet again, my memory was quite fuzzy. Did I? Nnnnnnno. I couldn't have. But...what if? Sure enough, upon investigation, I found tissue-wrapped poop in the candle-drawer, and a little bottle of essential oil in the trash can.

Reminds me of the night I set my toes aflame.

It is my habit to unwind, each night. I am a prisoner of my routines, have been for years. Tim was deep in study, in another room, and I was more or less alone. My children were all small, and fast asleep. I decided to light a candle on my dressing-table, before crawling in bed with a book. I picked up the long-nosed lighter that is always close at hand (candle-aficionado that I am) and only then noticed that the red polish on my toes was chipped in one place.

"Can't have that" my brain thought to itself. Church was next morning, and I was going to wear some cute sandals.

So I detoured (oh, those detours!) to my bathroom, raised and planted my left foot on the back of the toilet, where all my nail-polishes sat in a tiny tray...

...and promptly lit my big toe. Yup. The lighter was still in my right hand. I was trying to multi-task, and as I've already told you, that is a big, big mistake. As the flame barely touched the toenail, I yelped in utter disbelief and surprise.

I don't do these things because I'm stupid. Really! Actually, it is because I have a bit of a high IQ. (Really!) I'm always too busy contemplating soteriology or sovereignty or pneumatology or how I next want to have my hair cut, to pay a whole lot of attention to what I'm physically doing. My life is lived all in my head, and it is getting crowded up there. Lotsa big thoughts, all elbowing for room.

So please - if ever you come to visit me, and you find poop in unexpected places...do extend me the benefit of the doubt. I won't have done it on purpose.


  1. Sheila, you have me howling with laughter! I totally get it. They tell me I'm supposed to be able to multi-task because I'm a woman...I can't! You also reminded me that I really need to get some more candles...I'm a candle fanatic. But hopefully, won't be lighting my toes!

    (so your drawer of scents and candles had an extra special scent to it did it after all that?)


  2. Those presents!! I detest those little "surprises"!!

    I can soooooo identify...yeah, it's DEFINITELY our above average intelligence! :P

  3. THAT was crazy funny!!!!!!! AND I can sooo relate. I wish my "adventures" were as humerous as yours. Lately my multitasking efforts have brought much discouragment, but I have been learning to laugh at myself a few weeks later when it's all over and I can breathe again.

    You are one hilarious woman! Always a treat to come visit and find some medicine for my soul :)

  4. Hi Shelia! Thanks for the laugh!

  5. I thought I did things like that because I was rather stupid, but you have shed a new perspective on this for me.
    It's my high IQ that has me do these crazy things! :) Thanks for the new outlook!

  6. LOL, seriously I'm laughing my head off! I know they say that 'women' are great multi taskers but I'm with you. I have a one track mind, I've finally learned in some areas to stick to my task at all costs, especially when cooking, draw your own conclusions there. And having more than one child (3)for me involves quite a risk, let's just say that it's really really only by God's grace that we're all alive and well! My kids all know that they have to say something many times before I hear them if I'm doing something else, I'm training them to put their hand on my arm or something to help me snap to attention! Fortunately I have no poop stories...yet.

  7. Dear Ursula,
    Please do light more candles. You *need* more candles in your life! :-) Yes, the scent in the candle drawer was MOST unusual. I hope never to smell it again...

    I'm glad I made you laugh - it is a God-given medicine...

  8. Jamie,
    You and I can entertain the masses, what with our large IQ's and all that...

    ::smirk, smirk::

  9. Cirra,
    I noticed, on your profile page, that one of your favorite books is "You Are Special".

    OOoooh, what a GREAT book! Fantastic book. Yup - we like a lot of the same stuff!

    Thanks for the blog comment...

  10. ROBIN!

    So good to hear from you! I appreciate you taking the time to say "hi"...how are you and yours?

  11. Hi Jul!

    Welcome, welcome...I am so honored that you've payed me a "visit", so to speak! No poop stories, yet? Well...since you, also, are not a great multi-tasker, I give it not even a year before you have a story of your own...if you have small children or animals, that is.


  12. Sheila, please tell me that was not prophetic! I have many both small animals and small children! (of course I have many poop stories,hopefully through with the arttistic poop years, haha, just not of the same sort as yours!)


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