A Quote, Too Good to Miss...

"To love anyone is to hope in him always.From the moment at which we... limit our confidence in him, from the moment at which we pigeon-hole him, and so reduce him to that, so we cease to love him, and he ceases to be able to become better.We must dare to love in a world that does not know how to love."

~ from Madeleine L'Engle's Walking on Water


  1. Mama girl!!!!

    Its so true you know! I have this favorite sermon of Kris Valloton, in which he describes how he is often worried about Bill Johnson, because he believes in people who are not worth believeing in. And the only reason he doesn't say anything, is because he was one of them. And when he let Bill down, Bill kept believing in him. That if we get attacked for anything, let it be for believing too much in someone! That is real love!!!!!

  2. Doesn't that quote just HIT you where you live? You are right, Ursula...real love is costly and precious. I feel that I am nowhere near able, in my "self", to love in that way. But loving God and loving people are what this thing is all about.

    I *so* need the Holy Spirit...who takes the love of God and 'sheds it abroad' in my heart.

    Hope your day is going well. It is still hard for me to imagine how that, when it is MY nighttime, it is YOUR daytime. :-)


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