Wordless (Almost) Wednesday

My daughter Sarah, maid of honor (in the background) and her twin sister, Hannah, who is now Mrs. McConnell.

At least a half dozen people, besides the family, have emailed, called, or told me face to face that it was the most beautiful wedding, and most delightful reception they had ever seen or been part of. There might be more who have told me this, but I can tic off a half dozen names off the top of my head. The presence of the Lord, and the fellowship of the saints, was most manifest and precious.

My Jesus. My church. Both, the best.

We, the Atchleys, could have never pulled this once-in-a-lifetime event off properly by ourselves. Truly, it is "not him who wills or him who runs", not by might nor by power, the race is not to the swift...some trust in chariots some in horses but we will remember the name of our God.

We, by our own efforts and our own resources, could not have made Hannah's wedding day what it was! Had we had the "average" $25,000 budget, we could not have made it what it was. Jesus was there, figuratively turning water to wine, making the sweetness that was in the atmosphere.

He, alone, is Maker.


  1. wow wow wow wow

    I've been to a few of these.

    including my own one. So I know they exist.
    A bit of glory turns up and everyone is a tiny bit gobsmacked.

    in our case the odds were stacked against us. As I'd outlined in the post about Christine taking me on when hardly anyone was talking to me.God arranged an instant church drawn from all parts of the country,from both of our pasts, and some of my secular clients and friends were able to see something they'd never seen before in their lives. The love of the people of God and the Presence in His people.

    so i really wanted that for you too. And I guess everyone who knows you did too.


  2. Oh! Thank you for sharing!

    I like this photo..."Mirth".

    What effervescent smiles!


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