Stolen Snapshot

Stolen from Kelly's Blog, "Conformed To His Image" (see blogroll to the left...).

(L-R) Amy, me, Kelly, Lisa, Megan, Rhonda, Sarah, Angela, and our nurseLinda kneeling. Hannah took the picture, so she's not in this one.

I saw the best fanny -pack. Fanny- pack, not fanny. Ahem. Far be it from me, typically, to ever want or wear a fanny-pack. Even at forty-something, I am still slightly conscious of my "cool". I, who hiked without one, discovered they are the best things for a semi-long hike. I saw one with TWO waterbottles, one on each side, and the usual compartment in the middle. It looked very outdoorsy...sporty...I could work a fanny pack like that. I could make it look like the coolest fanny pack ever, and all middle aged women everywhere, who have previously avoided fanny packs as much as they have avoided "mom jeans", would want one.

I just might actually have to walk into a Gander Mountain store, and get one. I, who only darken the doors of the girly places like Ann Taylor - unfortunately to covet, never to actually shop - may actually search out a cool fanny pack. Someone please stop me, though, if you see me trying on the back packs with the weird-y ski poles.


  1. Smart woman :-) I wore a quilted backback thing (a gift to my from someone in church on my 50th) as I led the retreat kids, jogging to and from the dining hall. My camera flew out of it (the latch was inadequate, I found out too late) and landed on the ground, cracking the viewer. I can still use it only if I use the normal little tiny viewer thingy, but still.

    Fanny packs need to become our new fashion statement :-)

  2. Oh no! Not your camera! I know you use it a lot, to put lovely multi media images up for worship and things like that...

    Sounds like something that would happen to me. :-)

  3. "Mom jeans"....EWWWWWWWW!!!

    Ick, ick, double ick!

    You crack me up, girl. :D


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