Capturing Those Moments...

"Tim Atchley's Restaurant" (our back porch and fire pit)

Ribeye and swordfish - prepared last night by chef husband...

Flowers...table by the outdoor fire...yep. He did it all. For me.

On another note, this is my front porch, on any given day. Please note the three balls...

Flowers for me, from Jonathan and Sarah - perfect in that pitcher!

The table set last weekend, awaiting the arrival of our dear, esteemed Pete Beck.

Our guest room...we found a beautiful antique bed last week, and bought a new mattress for it. I had fun decorating the room for Pete's arrival...Pete, who is an Alabama fan. Ahem.

Lastly, my husband's filing cabinet. That's a card he received from the owner of an area business, thanking him for his steady, friendly ways, and his unrelenting Christian witness. The owner said in this card that several of her employees are considering coming to Harvest as a direct result of Tim's unassuming manner, together with his constant sharing of the gospel. Trust me, you can go many, many years and never get a card quite like this. How very encouraging! I'm proud of him - there is no one I respect more. He is consistent, no matter who he is with, his word is his bond, and he will always be honest with people. He refuses all church politics, and expects those who lead with him to be down to earth and honest as well.


  1. This post brought tears to my eyes. If only we could have more wonderful pastors like your husband. He sounds like a lovely man.

    Your home looks so inviting!

  2. Hi Robin!
    Thank you, very much...VERY much for this comment. He *is* a wonderful pastor. A lovely man. I so enjoy hearing from you, now and then. Come "by" anytime!


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