Imagination is Intelligence Having Fun...

Slices of life around the cottage...

The teacup poodle, "Rambo".

the soon-to-be-weds...

Pocket Parrot! Isn't she adorable?

Last Friday's snow...

The firepit - decorated with a garden planter, and visited by a bird...

The butterfly garden in snow...


  1. Ohhhhh, I'm not sure which is the cutest: the adorable pup, the twitter-pated pair, or the aqua (what color is that bird? Aqua? REALLY?) parrot.

    This post just oozes love, She-lah girl. Just like you.

    ~I think of you often. We have yet to have our coffee & coze. But here is a *SMOOCH* in the interim.~

  2. Come baaaaack! smootch me a second time, please, oh please?? I MISSSSSS you, dear Jamie friend!


    See you soon, I hope.

    Love and amazing grace,


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