Whitefield's "Method"...

"Before you can (know you are right with God) you must not only be troubled for your sins of your life, but also for the sins of your best duties and performances...before you can be at peace with God, there must be a deep conviction before you can be brought out of your self-righteousness; it is the last idol taken out of your heart. The pride of our heart will not let us submit to the righteousness of Jesus Christ. But if you never truly felt that you had no righteousness of your own or if you never felt the deficiency of your own righteousness, you cannot come to Jesus Christ."

~George Whitefield

Tim got a set of CD's, each one with a classic sermon from one of several of history's greatest preachers. (The person who gave this to him for Christmas knows who they are. You so rock. We both think you give the best presents!) The various sermons by various dead guys are preached from their original notes by dramatic reader Max McLean. The above is an excerpt from Whitefield's "Method of Grace."

In his day, no one preached like Whitefield. Wesley was deeply touched and convicted by Whitefield's preaching. He and Wesley were opposed on issues of law and grace - but in the end, mercy always triumphs over judgment. Whitefield graciously wrote down, as his last wishes, that Wesley preach his funeral.

I love it..a winsome grace-gesture, an olive branch extended from beyond the grave from the great grace-preacher, to a methodical, exacting, oft-stubborn preacher...and an equally great man of God.

Whitefield's message "Method of Grace" ...

(hmmmmmmmmmmmm...think about that title, folks. Pretty direct, eh? Whitefield had no fear of man.)

...is nothing short of brilliant. Read it. If you struggle with Gentile legalism, it will change your life. "He, being dead, yet speaketh".

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a blessed day, too. Your blog is very insightful and may I say, educational, and inspiring! God bless you!
    I'm pretty new at blogging (just started in January.)
    I've been praying for God to help me find other Christian bloggers and he's been so faithful!
    If you get a chance, please stop by my Web site at www.realspiritualspinach.com. I have a blog there. I hope to encourage you!




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