Justin's Graduation and One Year Anniversary!

(our son-in-law Justin, and our daughter Hannah, on their wedding day, one year ago today!)

My son-in-love Justin McConnell is officially a college grad - complete with Bachelor's degree as of yesterday! Today is he and Hannah's one year anniversary. What a weekend!

He begins his one year internship later this year, teaching high school math at Bearden High here in Knoxville, while finishing his Master's degree in Math Education. Then, long about December, he'll become a daddy.

That's our boy! I know his parents and brothers are so very proud of him, and so are we. You'd love Justin's parents...and both his brothers. Hannah could not ask for better in-laws. They all are a dream; they treat her with such love and care. Those McConnells are "the stuff"...each one of them!

Congratulations, Justin! We love you!

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