A Harvest Home...

It is official. I'm excited about it, too.

Our dear friends, the Dr. and his missus, have bought a new home - one dedicated to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to faithful hospitality. I can't wait for you to see it - there will be pictures as soon as I can snap and post them.

In the meantime, hear it for yourself, here at her new blog, "Filled With Grace and Beauty". Don't you just love that name?

Yeah. A for-real hospitality home. As every home in Harvest Church is! When you live for Jesus Christ and His gospel (as found, verbatim, in the New Testament Bible, as preached by Paul and the other apostles...that one. No more. No less. Nothing but. Pretty simple, huh? Um, don't confuse "simple" with "easy".)

When you stand for the gospel (as opposed to mere "Godly living", which while fine and good, falls so ridiculously short of the richness of Christ) God lays Himself out in order to outfit you with what you need to fulfil your ministry. And then blesses you to overflowing as you fulfil it.

Dr. Doug and Cheryl - God has blessed you in incredible ways money can buy...and in every way money cannot buy! I cannot wait to see what God will do.

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