It's Football Time in Tennessee!

Full house, this evening, as family and friends gathered here at the cottage for the first UT football game of the season.  Our beautiful Neyland Stadium looks amazing, after renovations, and our team played well.

It was tons of fun, listening to my boys' bantering back and forth.  I love that they want to bring their friends to the house for the game...we grilled hamburgers, I made home made cole slaw, Tim passed football with all the guys while Sarah and I walked her puppy Amber...the weather has been absolutely picture-perfect, and there is a delightful nip in the air.  We may set record lows this evening...but not quite chili weather.

Hope springs eternal in a University of Tennessee Volunteer heart.  A Tennessee football fan, a true one, is no band-wagoner.  We stay true.  We've a new coach who seems like he will be a man we can be proud of (after the Year That Never Was, with the Worst Leader Ever.  Last year, we had a "coach" - term used loosely - who came in declaring his love and committment to the team, only to leave abruptly.  Of course, he justified himself the whole way.  People like him always do.  No matter.  A man is forever characterized by how and why he leaves, whether it be how he leaves a party, a relationship, a neighborhood, a church, a coaching job, or a life.  Our former team leader has indeed become a byword and a source of unending, scathing amusement to an entire one respects him, no one ever will.  Because of the way he left.)

And now, the crickets softly chirp outside the window by my bed.  My puppy is by my side.  My team won - and watching them run through the 'T' as the game began was thrilling for us all.  We hooted and hollered.  As I prepare my heart for gathering for worship with all my friends tomorrow morning, I'm smiling.

The lines have most definitely fallen in good places for me, I have such a goodly heritage.  God has given me sons and daughters and a husband and friends and football, and I find that to be a lovingkindness above and beyond measure. 

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