Birthday Pictures...

Isaac and I were both a little sad on my birthday...

...because we miss Josiah, who is training to be one of "the few, the proud, the Marines", in Parris Island, S.C.

But I did get this gorgeous vintage leather suitcase from Hannah and Justin... is an inside shot. This beauty is in pristine condition. Can you believe this? I'm using it as my sewing box, yarn store-er, craft kit...and I confess to being in love with it. I might date it. these roses from my man...

...a sewing machine, with love, also from my man...the carrying case from Isaac.

...and a spa gift card from Sarah and Jonathan...

As usual, my family spoils me. So I shall turn my frown upside down (though I still miss my oldest boy!) and go get a massage and sew something fabulous.


  1. Happy Birthday, my friend! May our bountiful Heavenly Father continue to pour His blessings on you & your family.

    PS --- you are so creative with your pictures & writings ... always love stopping by :))

  2. So, ok you make me feel old lol. The vintage case, my family had a total set just like that when I was little! Well I am vintage, I think I like that better than old. I so love your pictures and your love for vintage... So hey that means you love me. I so love messing with you.

    Live you Sis,
    Vickie E


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