Grandbabies and Knitting...

What do you say we enjoy a little bit of pleasant randomness to start our weekend?

I went shopping at Pottery Barn over the holidays, and was so inspired by their hand-knit, plush yarn pillows...So. Instead of paying $60 - $75 for one, I made a pillow of my own for about $12. I worked on it while we waited around the house for labor to start. I worked on it in the hospital while Hannah was in labor, and worked on it here and there in those first days back home, when we all were up every few hours around the clock, and my hands needed something productive to do. Finally, tonight, I finished it.

I cast off the last, long side of this rectangular lumbar pillow, stitched three sides together with matching embroidery thread, turned the pillow out, stuffed it generously, and stitched the short end closed. Done and done! I love how it turned soft and full of texture.

I happened to look over across the bed and saw Poppy and the Grandson chillaxin' together...that little hand just lightly touching Poppy's lips...breathing those sweet, deep belly breaths. Tim can feel baby's breathing belly on his breathing chest, and the affect is pure bliss.

Nighty-night Poppy and baby well. Saturday is going to be a fun day! Mommy and Daddy have plans to get you out and about, and you will love it...I think Grandaddy is going to take me out to breakfast in the morning. So here's a kiss on that little nose, and I'll tell you "goodnight" now!

Have a grace-filled weekend, friends.


  1. Lovely pillows you have there!;)

    You won an award from me, congratz!;)

    Check out my latest blog post.
    Enjoy and spread the award, thanks!

    Yours Truly,

  2. Thanks, Meg! I did visit your blog...I'm just not sure how to participate. But I appreciate being tagged in your blog!

    Have a BLESSED weekend!


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