Road Trip - Savannah

A bit of lunch...

An over 110-year-old building...and cute traveling companion, who lets me eat where-evertheheck I want...

Celebrating my roots (both Scottish and Presbyterian...)

Celebrating a good, good day in Savannah.

I love the perspective a road trip gives me. There is a certain lightness to facing life with only one very small suitcase and a GPS. We are letting serendipity rule, going where we want, when we want, the way we want.

This is how we roll. No agendas, no schedule to keep, no one to feel like we have to please...just me n' my boo.

Today, we strolled Forsythe Park, visited a Revolutionary war cemetary, saw the statue of John Wesley - my favorite Arminian, Godblesshim. We navigated the cobbled street on the river, where I ate some good ol' Low Country Shrimp N' Grits.

I have more pictures for you, but this lousy internet service at our suite doesn't have the "umph" to download any more pictures...I've tried for the whole first half of the Stanford/Virginia Tech game, to no avail. I'll try again tomorrow, when the destination is...

Charleston, South Carolina!


  1. what a wonderful trip you must have had ...... i will bet that your weather is much better than mine is quite chilly today for me .....take care

  2. Hey Sheila :) I'm guessing you've already visited my birthplace. Hope it was a beautiful day in one of my favorite cities. Too bad the hospital I was born in was torn down years ago. The price of my birth? Just $7. I was a Navy brat ;)
    Love you...

  3. How fun! I love road trips! My husband and I are *hoping* to go to Charleston in a couple of years for our tenth anniversary (we live in VA). Enjoy the rest of your time away!


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