On My 24 Hour Bucket List

That does it. I am having a mimosa with my breakfast tomorrow. Can't help it. The whole idea just blows my skirt straight up.

The way I look at it, any one of us could kick the bucket by this time tomorrow. Therefore, we all need a 24 hour "bucket list". What random, fun, or amazing thing do you want to do tomorrow?

After I've had my mimosa, in the morning, I'll contemplate what the next item should be, on my personal 24 hour bucket list.


* Champagne (1 bottle)
* Orange Juice (1 carton)

Fill half of a champagne flute with chilled champagne and top off with chilled orange juice, gently stir. If you want, slice up a strawberry to decorate the rim of each flute.

1 comment:

  1. "blows my skirt straight up "ROFLMBO" girl I love you. Your freedom , the grace you live under gives me hope and a great desire to Live and to live the fullest life I can with Jesus leading my each step. Wahooooo
    Was it Keith Green that said in a song Religon a holy way to go th hell or something like that? Or one of his awesome tracks?
    Keep on bloggin.
    Love Vickie E


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