Of Fate and My Friend

By this time tomorrow, I will have gotten to meet this beautiful woman (and her husband) for the very first time, even though I have known her for a few years:

One of my first encounters with Jamie, she had my back when someone tried to plagiarize my writing. She flat out called the person out for it, and let me know immediately. I was in love, right then and there. I mean...what kind of cosmic sign is that? Before you even meet someone, they have your back? It was full-on fate. I knew right then, and this was several years ago, that I would meet this woman one day.

Jamie is a grace girl's grace girl. We know a few of each other's secrets, yet we haven't even met in the flesh. She has prayed for me during some of my worst seasons...the internet is a crazy and wonderful thing like that. We have sampled one anothers heart, and I think she rocks. I love her writing style - you'd enjoy her blog, Better Than We Know.

No, wait. If you are a legalist, you'd hate her blog. And she'd consider that a badge of honor.

I hope to get some pictures, even though I'm not packing my camera-camera. I will hope and pray that the camera phone gets some good shots...I can't wait to meet my friend.


  1. Wow. Praying for this meeting of the Grace Girls. I am all about Internet Introductions by the Creator of the Universe, as I have some fine relationships 'begun by Him' myself! ;o))) Thanks for introducing me/ us to your Beautiful Jamie. I peeked briefly at her blog and love the music and the writing. Reminds of someone I know! :o)))

  2. Hello Sheila ....Haven't seen you on here lately and you are usually posting things .... I pray that you are ok and that maybe you are just busy or better yet enjoying your grandson so much ( and that is agood thing ) .... Wondering how your meeting with your friend went .... We are praying for all of southern neghbors who are going through a most horrible situation
    ..... Praying that GOD will turn their tragedy into triumph somehow
    someway and someday .

  3. Mom, I agree with Summer... Mom, you need to post something!!!

  4. Waiting to hear about your trip, hoping and praying you are feeling better.


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