May, May Go Away...

The month of May and I are not exactly on friendly terms. Every year, without fail, she over-schedules me. Every year, without fail, my Tourette's flairs up. (Not really...I don't have Tourette's. But I do wish I had an excuse for all the nervous twitching and the involuntary swearing.)

Not really. I don't swear. Much.

Busy is good, I know. An empty schedule equals an empty life, I have said that myself, and I believe it. The more involved you are in people's lives, the more full the days become. So if busy is good, then May should be my time to shine. Just please,Lord, help me get over this head cold.

The Mother's Day weekend was so, so good here at the cottage.
This is me, the night of the Art Walk. I look like I am mugging for my own camera, but really, I was trying to figure out ISO...really.

Bumping the ISO up, but the picture gets grainy...

I quit figuring out ISO, and chose instead to snap a photo of me, rocking the Maxi Dress. Boy howdy, though, do I ever need to get the ISO thing figured out...and looks like I am having a bit of a focus issue.

A snippet of life at the cottage on Mother's Day...Isaac and his girlfriend Emily at the table, and my man making coffee...

Two of my presents - a rose bush from the youngest, and gardening boots from Sarah...

(Hannah gave me books - two on DSLR photography, and one about slipcover making. I feel about forty projects coming on, everything from planting to pictures to parson's chair slipcovers! It is going to be a busy summer.)

If only I could get over this head cold. Sorry. I know I said that once already.

I would be remiss, posting about Mother's Day, without sharing about how I became a mother to begin with...

Isn't this the cutest piece of middle aged hotness you have ever seen? I'd have his babies again tomorrow, if he asked me to.

But he won't. He is loving the season of life we are in, way too much. For that matter, I am too. This was my first Mother's Day as a grandmother, and I gotta say...

...I'm diggin' it.

Now, if I can just get over this head cold...and fast-forward the calendar to June...


  1. lol Mom if you ever gave me another little brother or sister... I'd kill you. lol lol lol...

  2. I completely understand, the calendar doesn't clear a little until about the 2nd week of July for us..whew...I sure do hope you feel better very, very soon...go away nasty headcold!


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