The Reason For the Garment of Praise

Proverbs says that heaviness in the heart of a woman makes it "stoop", but a good word makes it glad.

There is no greater heaviness than to be, to even the smallest degree, responsible for your own righteousness before a holy God. (If you think you can handle that, you don't understand His holiness. Or you have a skewed opinion of how very much you fall short.)

There is no greater good word than the Gospel. If you are continually exposed to the preaching of it, if you continually soak yourself in the reading of it, your mind begins to be renewed in it. There is such power in the good news of the finished work of Christ.

Your falling short was credited to Him, and His obedience is credited to you. The mountains will melt away and the hills depart, and in fact, God will no longer be God, if He breaks His promise to never be angry with you, once your life is hidden with Christ. God would have to be angry with Christ.

Your woman's heart, with all its overload of guilt and depression, loneliness and stress and responsibilities, can completely trust in the lovingkindness of God, through the cross of Jesus Christ.

The law as a standard of righteousness?


The law as a means of righteousness?


When a woman's heart looks to the law, even partially, as a means of right standing, and therefore blessing and favor, the door is thrown open to all kinds of psychosis. Dis-ease in the mind always results in disease in the body.

Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no Physician? Absolutely, there is. And He has clothed you in righteousness, and topped it with a garment of praise. Put. It. On.

You cannot know how personally I know these things.


  1. Anonymous15 July, 2011

    Oh how I say a yes and amen to what you have said here!!! I lived for years feeling not good enough, not able to live up to the law( which there is no way I could),I was looking to myself to do the 10 commandments, no chance in that one. If I do but just one I am guilty of all! I was tormented for years, won't go into detail, no need to. Only and I mean only by the grace and mercy and love of the Lord Jesus Christ am I the least bit sain and alive today. I can breath because of Jesus and I don't say that lightly. All I can say is that the messages I have heard of grace preached by my Pastor and the personal time he has put into my life along with all the others he has done the same for. I can truly say Jesus is the love of my life and I am free! The law is perfect in the way God intended to say there is no way "I" can make it, however I can with Jesus for you see it's not about me anyway. I look to Jesus and the precious blood of Jesus that has delivered me from the law and death for the law is death. Jesus is life!!!! Yes I speak of my Pastor, but he takes "none" of the glory , he is wise and knows all the glory belongs to Jesus. I put no man on a pedestal that is dangerous . Trust me he don't want to be.
    I not only hear grace preached but the whole gospel, Jesus, love one another, forgiveness , and repentance,community, and much more all from the mouth of God in His Gospel.
    I could go on but Ive said enoughfor now! All praise , honor, and Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ!
    Vickie Ewing

  2. Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm! Another great post dearest! And VickieE, I can so relate to what you shared. I too lived for years in such torment, trying to 'be righteous' instead of resting in the finished work of the Cross of Christ. My whole Christian life changed when Pastor Tim began to preach solely on the Gospel! Out of it alone truly does flow rivers of living water! The Gospel really does effect every area of ones life. Praise God for His amazing gift of Grace! Thanks for sharing what you did today Sheila (and Vickie). I am greatly encouraged!

  3. I truly think (know now ) that this is a place we all stand before GOD in before we truly understand just what JESUS CHRIST did for us .... I was just talking with a woman the other morning on how she was not sure she was going to heaven because she was not
    "good enough" but yet she was telling me that she loved the LORD JESUS .... I am ever so grateful that getting into heaven does not depend on how well I can measure up to GODS LAW because I surely know that my "goose" would be cooked and it would be "well done " at that ..... Thank you Sheila as I always enjoy reading your posts !!!!

  4. Your post is beautiful!

    Thank you for the reminder :)


  5. Thank you, Vickie, Wendy, Summer, and "L" from "When He Whispers"...(such a lovely screen name!)

    Don't you just wish we could all sit at a table, somewhere, with a cup of coffee and effuse about the grace of God in person??!

  6. I would love it if we could all do that .... My only problem is that I would have to leave @ 7PM the evening before to arrive @ 10AM as I am in the northeast part of Pennsylvania.... Please let me know in advance as I would love to attend !!

  7. Sheila,

    I sure wish I could join this table! I just want to talk of Jesus with others that want to talk of Him.

    Can we start a round table somewhere...from all our parts of the world... Summer, Vickie, Mrs. Wendy, Sheila, and myself (L)? We need each other.

    Beacause of His Grace,



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